地理学是一门理论性和实践性很强的学科。完成新课程标准中规定的知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三维教学目标,教师和学生除了课堂的教学、学习之外,目前最直接的反馈来自家庭作业。作业练习也是一个学习的过程。通过作业,不仅可以检验课堂教学的效果,弥补课堂教学的不足,加深对所学知识的理解和运用,还可以培养学生的地理思维能力、探究能力和创新能力。 ,也让学生探索和获取知识的方法,体验知识形成的过程。因此,我们的地理作业一定要科学、多样、开放。我们的教学不能仅仅为了让学生完成作业,而是要教会学生“终身发展的能力”,所以我们必须注重学生地理技能和方法的培养。
知识的意义在于应用。只有通过应用,我们才能进一步获得对知识需求的体验。 “很难找到比这种感觉更强烈的刺激来促进求知的兴趣。”
⑹ 地理学习屡屡失败会导致学生厌恶地理课,并将地理课与枯燥的死记硬背和成绩差联系在一起。
2。关于学生的困惑。由于初中和高中的地理课程要求不一致,因此存在严重的脱节。在新的课程改革下,初中的地理教学对学生的要求越来越较低。教科书的内容相对简单,而高中地理的难度和要求的方面大大增加,这无疑使基金会较弱的学生难以适应并为我们的教学带来更大的困难。许多学生甚至都不知道经度和纬度线,因此他们对地球运动的理解,时间差的计算,季节的形成和其他问题就像看水中的月球。如果老师使用课堂时间向学生解释,他们将面临狭窄的上课时间和完成教学任务的困难。学生将被组织起来自学,但是一些基础差和全面理解能力较弱的学生仍然很难接受。正是由于这些各种原因,许多学生发现难以学习的高中地理,从而逐渐失去了兴趣。如何更好地改变学生现有的学习状况难题。作为主体的主体,学生是影响新课程改革是否可以顺利促进的重要因素。在我的教学过程中,我发现一年级的高中生通常对新的课程改革不太了解。传统的学习行为使学生很难立即适应新的课堂教学形式,尤其是对于一些基础差的学生而言。过渡更加困难。 。此外,学生缺乏关注和对地理学习的理解不足始终是影响地理教学的非常重要的因素。
4。对于新教科书也有许多不舒服的地方,例如新教科书的某些内容被高度汇总和高度集中。新课程的名词和概念似乎较少。 “阅读”和“案例”具有更多的查询表格。但是,我们仍然受到传统教学的经验的影响。我们总是担心学生。我们总是想谈论它。经过学生不会灌输学生。在学习方面,学生确实使学生成为教学活动的主体。尽管新教科书不如知识系统中的旧教科书系统好。有时,我们不仅可以帮助学生挖一个坑,而且挖掘越来越深。此外,教师对案例,教训或老师的教学没有解释和解释,对学生来说也很困难。对于这些内容,在多大程度上。没有底。
2。在改变课堂教学模型,改变教学方法和手段方面大胆而创新。新课程的重点是“教师 - 学生互动”和“全面发挥学生学科的角色”等教学原则。为此,在教学过程中,我努力改变过去的状况“一个单词”,改变对学生作为积极合作的被动接受,询问学习努力改变其角色和地位,从过去的权威到学生一起学习的伴侣,朋友和指导。
3.注意教学过程中每个学生的发展,同时满足不同学生性格学习的需求。请注意每个学生在教学过程中的表现,对每个学生的成长都很重要,并且具体方法是:①课堂问题,讨论和演讲,记录,并确保每个学生都必须在课堂上充分展示自己。人才机会; ②在组织各种活动时,所有学生都必须一起参加。此外,学生参加了实验类,关键课和普通类实验类。无论结果如何……此外,班级准备团队还根据普通班级实际情况的差异采用不同的教学策略,例如增加实验类的实验班。教学内容的广度和深度在操作布局,教学内容,教学过程和学习评估的各个方面都采用了更高的标准,从而满足了实验班级学生学习的需求。
2。在改变课堂教学模型,改变教学方法和手段方面大胆而创新。新课程的重点是教学原则,例如“教师 - 学生互动”和“全面发挥学生学科的作用”。为此,在这个教学过程中,我努力改变过去的“单词”情况。研究,努力改变其主角和地位,从过去的班级到学生一起学习。
(1) Experience the actual combat questions of the college entrance examination, grasp the direction of review
The first lesson of the third year of high school, I send the college entrance examination questions to students that year, and lead students to analyze the type of test questions together, and the knowledge points of each question to evolve from the textbook. After doing so, students will have a sufficient psychological preparation to face the college entrance examination.
(2) Through the "Exam Instructions"
First of all, you must understand the "Exam Instructions". The contents of the Examination Instructions include: the nature of the test, the content of the exam, the test form and the test paper structure, the example of the question type, and the knowledge scope of the exam. As a teacher, you must carefully read each part of the Examination Examination, and grasp the general direction of the college entrance examination as a whole.
Secondly, the knowledge scope of the college entrance examination is clearly clear according to the "Examination Description". The "Examination Description" has clearly stipulated the scope of knowledge to be examined that year, and the scope of knowledge every year has been revised compared to the previous year. The scope of knowledge is often the higher test rate of the year, and teachers have to know this. It is clear that the scope of knowledge of the college entrance examination can concentrate on guiding students to review and review, and no omissions will be produced in the review.
Once again, we must correctly understand the question type examples. In recent years, there are three major categories of college entrance examination questions, namely "single selection questions, dual term selection questions and comprehensive questions". The three types of questions in the college entrance examination have not changed greatly. Therefore, teachers need to guide students to master the question type according to the examples of the Examination instructions and the types of the years. After mastering the question type, students can understand the form of the question through the type, which helps to prepare and take the exam. As long as we can reasonably combine the type of question type with the knowledge and ability requirements learned, we will help sort out our ideas and deepen the understanding of the examination requirements.
3. Teach students to learn how to learn
The teaching method to teach students is to make the teaching truly return to the main status of the students and let the students learn to learn to learn. It is the requirement of the teaching of geography courses in high school. If the third year of high school will not be studied by itself, it is destined to fail in the college entrance examination. How to teach students to learn?
The first is to guide students to develop a learning plan. The content of the college entrance examination has a lot of content and tight time. This requires students to have the concept of time and formulate a scientific and reasonable learning plan according to their own actual situation. When guiding students to formulate plans, the teacher should first tell the students to let the students' plans and the teacher's plan coordinate.
In the entire review plan, the compulsory part is the focus, because many questions in the college entrance examination are based on junior high school knowledge, and the high school knowledge points are answered. The compulsory textbook is to widen and deepen the junior high school knowledge.
The second is to guide students to take the basic link of the exam. "Preview, listening, review, homework, examination, summary" are the six basic links of learning and preparation. Although these six links are old -fashioned things, there are not many students who really master, and no matter what kind of method, it must return to these old tooth loss things. However, in the six basic links of the senior year, you cannot stay at the previous level. In terms of the "high school level, you can be accepted by students.
2. Stimulate students' motivation and adjust the mentality of students
Teachers' teaching must be accepted by students, but also pay attention to stimulating students' motivation and adjusting students' mentality. Wei Shusheng said: "In my life, teaching is third, educating people is the second, and self -reliance is the first." It can be seen how important it is to be a student's ideological work.
To stimulate students' motivation, first of all, the teacher's own motivation must be stimulated. Many students' thoughts are accepted from the teacher, and the teacher's thoughts were passed on to the students
Finally, I want to talk about the study of high school in the mentality of research. Teaching is hard work, and the high school teaching is even more hard. But don't study it because of hard work. There will be harvest if you pay. Only by finding the tricks, can it be relatively easy to work, and the students' grades will continue to improve.
In order to make the work easier. In order to improve the students' performance, in addition to persistence studying and summing up, I usually use notes as long as I have any new ideas for information. When you have time and energy, then classify and organize them, and then copy, paste it as needed, and add some connection words, so that some aspects will come out.
Of course, I still have some problems in teaching:
1. I apply a large number of cases in teaching, but some cases are not typical. I should try to choose the examples that students are familiar with and around them as much as possible. Geographical knowledge in life can be seen everywhere. Learning geographical knowledge and using geographical knowledge. Using this to solve geographical problems in production and social life is the key to learning. This can not only increase students' interest and reflect the value of geography teaching.
2. Some simple and easy -to -learn knowledge in the textbook allows students to complete it through autonomous learning. Teachers can guide them. Therefore, I think I want to believe in students and believe in myself, and let go when you let go.
3. After school learning, I did not keep up. Of course, this is also related to the status quo of the subject of geography. It can only be made in the classroom.
There is no way to learn, and there is no way to teach. As long as you always adhere to the mentality of this kind of researcher, you will treat your education and teaching. Through continuous learning, continuous efforts and continuous explorations, I believe that under the guidance of the new curriculum reform ideas, your own education is under the guidance of the new curriculum reform ideas. Teaching will definitely continue to improve.
High school geography teaching reflection 14
Watch the lesson to benefit a lot. The following brief analysis and summary of my appreciation can be learned in order to learn in the future.
1. Import link: Use modern teaching technology to cultivate students' enthusiasm for life and the ability to analyze information through the guidance of problems. The teaching goals are clear, and the materials are selected around the knowledge points.
Use PPT video to display the situation of CCTV's national weather forecast on November 20, November 20 (time can't be remembered), combined with satellite cloud maps, reminding students to pay attention to "cold air going southward in the north" to change天气。 And through two questions, the study points of the lesson are led to the class and displayed the classroom goals with PPT.
2. The knowledge points of the lecture link are very clear. One is the concept and its classification of the front, and the other is the impact of Leng Feng on the weather. Through the guidance case, the two knowledge points are arranged in an orderly manner, which makes people see it at a glance. For example, knowledge point one: the concept of the front and its classification, set up three small points, the composition of the gas group and the fabric system, and the classification of the front (three).
3. The method of explanation of the knowledge point is graphic and text, and the knowledge points are displayed in pictures or animations. The interlocking of each other can not only improve students' learning interest, but also deepen the ability of students to grasp knowledge. For example: Qi Tuan "explains the concept of text first, and then compares the two gas group diagrams. Use red as a heating ball at 30 ° C, and use blue as the air-conditioning group with -2 ° C. Then the two different types of gas group meets through animation demonstrations. The situation that will occur, that is, the explanation of the "front system".
4. Be good at cultivating students' self -learning and hands -on ability, and pay attention to knowledge. For example, after explaining "the influence of the cold Feng Feng on the weather" in detail, the teachers and students assisted each other to complete the "Weather Change before and after the Cold Book", and then the teacher specially arranged the time to learn to learn independently for the students to complete the "weather change before and after the warm wind transit". After the discussion was completed, the representative works of the three groups of students were displayed using the projector, and they fully affirmed it and adjusted the places where there were problems.
5. Guide students to answer questions with personal characteristics, and like to use questioning ways to arouse students' in -depth thinking about the problem. For example, "Is the air -conditioning group and the heating ball must be precipitated?" "If it rains, will it be vertical?"等等。
6. Summary of classrooms to present the knowledge points in the form of the table, which is clear and clear.
7. The knowledge application link sets: "Interpretation of the test", "interpretation of life", each part of the teachers and students interacts with sufficient interaction, and the effect is outstanding. In particular, "interpretation of life", students are requested to play weather forecast broadcasters, and broadcast the "Weather changes after 20 to 18 from the 16th to 18th of the Shandong Peninsula." People feel deeply.
8. Time grasp is better, especially the consolidation part of the knowledge later.
High school geography teaching reflection 15
1. What do you say?
1. Talking about "Trial questions" to talk about "Trial questions' first. Whether it is objective test questions or subjective test questions, there are propositional intentions of the proposition person. Only by reviewing this can you clear the direction of answering questions. In the college entrance examination, when students answered comprehensive questions, they hurriedly started answering the question before they saw the proposition intention of the exam. The key to solving such problems is training for reviewing questions in ordinary teaching.
(1) The topic of the selection question is mainly "second instance": the first instance materials, to obtain valid information from the maximum extent; the second trial question question, clarify the answering requirements and restricted conditions.
(2) The review questions in the comprehensive questions are mainly "four trials": the first trial, the type of geographical chart type and the knowledge information; The fit point between.
2. Pay attention to different questions about "thinking" and "method", and have different answering skills and methods. During the lecture, the questions and methods of answering questions are organically explained in conjunction with the question type and students' answers.
(1) The problem -solving ideas of the choice question are generally: on the basis of comprehensive and correct grasping the questions, we must seize the key words in the question of the question, find the "eye eye", first use the exclusion screening method, and the expression will be unscientific. The error branches are eliminated. In addition, the direct judgment method, analysis and reasoning method, the interpretation method, reading analysis method, and reverse thinking method can be used according to the requirements of specific questions. No matter which method is used, the key is to tell students the idea of ??analyzing the problem.
(2) There are many types of comprehensive questions and a large number. Pay attention to examining students' hands -on (drawing), brain -moving (computing, imagination) ability. Such problems often have many points, strong comprehensiveness, and high answers, but the special questions are all questions, all of which are all questions. It is the clever combination of knowledge and materials. On the surface, it seems unexpected and practical, but it is reasonable, that is, "the title is outside the book, the reason is in the book." Therefore, such questions are followed by chapters. When commentary test papers, the basic process of solving the problem must be explained to the students.
First, the problem -solving ideas of material analysis questions are generally: ① Read the materials given by the questions carefully, and correctly understand the meaning of the material, including the material itself, annotations, charts and all text descriptions, any one that cannot be omitted. ② Carefully analyze the questions and accurately grasp the requirements of the question; analyze the materials according to the requirements of the question, and return it to the teaching materials system and the teacher's teaching to find the entry point that combines the textbook content; Thinking of thinking, maximizing effective information. ③ Summary and sort out with simplified and accurate text.
Second, the problem -solving ideas of the analysis of diagrams are generally: ① carefully observe the geographic charts, grasp the type of chart, understand the theme content of the chart, and dig out its hidden known conditions. ② According to the requirements of the question, obtain information correctly and effectively from the chart. ③ Summary refinement, summarize and sort, and express it in simple and accurate text.
3. When talking about the "misunderstanding" comments, teachers must combine representative test questions and typical wrong cases of students. There are theories and practical analysis and explanations one by one. Classmates can push the reasons for their mistakes from a deeper level, clarify their main defects and the direction of future review, so as to do a better review.
4. Speaking of "Expansion" each question type or even every question represents a certain level of knowledge. During the review, we must not strive for the topic. Striving "one question is changing" and "one question more", guide students to expand their ideas, and connect them vertically. This problem associates several related to the other issues. Other knowledge points of the same similarity. This kind of review can improve the ability of students to do one of them and integrate, and achieve the goal of doing a problem, learning one law, meeting, and general, thereby ensuring that the best results are achieved.
5. Talk about the cultivation of "specifications" to strengthen expression ability, and pay attention to the keyization, hierarchical, logical and completeness of expression of language. There is less loss of sexual errors. Specific requirements are: comprehensive, clear levels, organizational and points; complete expressions and clear logic: because of → fruit, large → small, front → rear, total → split; Land use terms, less examples, and less described; fill in the drawing accurate, drawing the specifications: fill in the drawing handwriting neatly, the drawing is accurate, the specifications are clear, and the roll surface is neat.
In addition, the problems of non -intellectual factors in students are accurate and knocking hard, such as paralysis, wrong questions and questioning questions, writing scribbled, rolling differences, answering questions, etc.
Second, who's?
The test papers should fully mobilize the students' autonomy, and avoid teachers. It is necessary to adjust the role and behavior of the teacher, so that teachers will become the leaders, helpers, promoters, and collaborators of students. The test papers are also reflected in the principle of "teachers are dominant, students are the main body". They cannot go to a teacher's words of teachers. Instead, they should be a group of words for teachers and students to communicate and communicate. Give students the opportunity to express their thinking process, increase the time when teachers, students, students, and students are discussed, allowing students to "evaluate" the test questions "anti -evaluation". Through the active participation of students, they will be enlightened to make the entire review. The process of students is emotionally excited, and the thinking can activate a large amount of information about knowledge and problem -solving, which helps the knowledge of knowledge and the ability to solve problems.
3. Consolidation phase after class: pay attention to the feedback and review of the test paper, and realize the icing on the cake
The following stages should be made mainly the following points:
(1) Strengthen students' learning habits. To improve the ability of students to learn independently, the first thing that needs is a good learning habit.
(2) Pay attention to the answer specification. After the test papers, we found the best and worst test papers to allow students to exhibition and visit, the purpose is to cultivate good habits that students must be standardized for answering questions. The general requirements for answering the questions are "clear, strict logic, language refined, writing specifications, and appropriate use of terminology." As far as comprehensive questions, you should grasp the direction of the answer when answering Sex, avoid loss. The first is to ask students to answer questions in a refined geographical language. The second is not to talk nonsense and do not leave the question. After the test papers are evaluated, students can allow students to "standardize" their "specifications" on their own test papers, fully grasp their "irregularities", improve students' understanding of the standardization of problem solving, and improve the scores in future exams 。速度。
(3) Pay attention to the birth of life and conduct individual counseling. Because the classroom review is facing the whole, although the teacher's comment is very detailed, some students cannot grasp it, so they must conduct individual counseling to them in time.
(4) Sorting out knowledge reflection and growth. Most students' faults are often remembered in class, understanding, and forgetting after class. The same error will be made next time I exercise or take the exam. So after the test papers are completed, we need to stay for a certain time to let students re -examine their wrong questions and truly understand the idea of ??solving the problem. At the same time, you must also sue students not to discard the height of the test scrolls or abandoned the test scroll. Consciously act and improve learning efficiency.