整改:经批准,成立玉峰医院工会委员会。 工会主席由护理部主任兼任。 员工有意见或建议的,可以通过工会向医院团队反映意见或建议,也可以直接向医院领导层反映。
10. 与警告标志和道路标记有关的问题
11. 病房内急救及便民设施问题
整改:医院班组会议每两周召开一次医院办公室会议。 医院领导及职能部门负责人参加、研究、讨论医院发展情况并安排相关工作。 决定于2月下旬召开医院职工代表大会,认真听取并采纳职工对医院发展规划、制度修订、职工工资等方面的意见和建议。
整改:制定了继续教育实施方案和20xx年继续教育工作计划,对医务人员进行送出、请进来的培训教育。拟选派一名医生到省儿童医院进行为期一年的培训2月,邀请市人民医院药剂科主任主讲《抗菌药物的临床应用》讲座,3月邀请县人民医院心内科主任主讲诊断专题5月心血管疾病的治疗。 讲座。
整改:建立健全物流人员相关工作制度和操作规范,组织物流人员制度和应急预案培训和演练。 同时,要保存活动记录、照片等资料。
整改:建立健全了消防工作制度,明确了办公室、总务部、医务部、护理部负责人。 每月对火灾隐患和重要部门进行一次检查,并记录检查结果。 如果发现问题,将予以落实。 有关部门开展整改,将事故隐患消灭在萌芽状态。
整改:在完善制度、明确职责的基础上,充实了后勤人员,强化了后勤制度和工作的落实,有效保障了医院的正常运转。 20、万元以上医疗器械归档问题
整顿:组织财务部、综合部、药剂部、医务部等部门人员清理价值1万元以上的医疗器械,并一一登记。 建立了标准化的医疗器械档案。
整改:建立健全临界值报告和流程,要求相关部门按照临界值报告和流程进行规范操作。 医疗部门要加强对危重值报告和处理程序的监管,以便组织抢救危重病人。
制定医疗质量安全管理计划和考核标准,完善各项医疗管理制度职责。 医疗质量管理按照管理方案和考核标准的要求,定期对科室进行监督检查,监督核心制度的执行情况。 检查结果以质量评分的形式与卫生院绩效考核计划挂钩,有效促进医疗质量和医疗安全管理。 的持续改进。
我们通过会议对全体员工进行质量安全教育,并与所有相关人员签订安全责任书。 加强法律法规和规章制度培训考核。 举办“医疗质量与安全”培训。 安全检查结束后,医院领导认真研究分析检查中发现的问题,找出核心问题和整改措施,进而进行质量评价,有力地促进了医疗质量的提升。
能够严格按照《护理条例》实施护理管理工作,组织护理人员认真学习《护理条例》,确保知法、守法、依法执业。 每年制定护士在岗培训计划,包括三项基础学习、业务讲座、护理查房等,认真落实并完成。 树立人性化服务理念,确保患者知情同意落到实处。 对围手术期患者进行术前访视和术后随访,并设计标准化计划。 各部门高度重视健康教育,制定了健康教育内容。
根据国家《医院感染管理办法》,我院建立健全了卫生院感染控制队伍。 我院根据实际情况和任务要求,每年制定卫生院感染管理工作计划,确保组织实施,责任到人。 每年召开卫生院感染管理会议,总结近期卫生院感染管理工作,解决日常工作中发现的共性问题,明确下一阶段的工作重点。 加强卫生院感染管理知识培训,卫生院医务人员感染控制、消毒隔离意识不断提高。 我们认真做好卫生院感染控制和消毒隔离监测,降低了卫生院感染率,从未发生过院内感染疫情。 加强一次性用品管理。 严格执行《一次性使用无菌医疗用品管理办法》。 一次性医疗卫生用品由装备部统一采购、储存、发放,“三证”齐全。 按需获取,先用后用,并在有效期内使用。 一次性物品使用后必须由专人回收,禁止重复使用和返回市场。
2. 问题:
个别医务人员质量安全意识不够高,首诊医师负责制、病例讨论制度等核心制度有时落实不到位,病例讨论仍难以应对。 患者病情评估体系尚不完善。 对手术患者的风险评估仅限于术前讨论或术前总结。 书面风险评估体系尚未建立。
有的医务人员不合理使用抗菌药物,普通感冒也使用抗生素; 手术围手术期预防不合理,抗生素使用水平过高、时间过长。
(4)我院主要安全隐患是配电室设备老化。 原来的配电箱是一个木箱。 今年8月份曾发生火灾。 由于发现及时,未造成严重后果。
医务人员普遍重视专业知识,轻视质量管理知识的学习。 他们缺乏质量管理知识,质量意识淡薄。 导致他们不能自觉、主动地将质量要求运用到日常医疗工作中,质量目标难以保证。 完成。 质量管理是一门学科。 想要提高医疗质量,不仅要学习医学理论和医疗技术,还要学习质量管理基础知识,不断更新质量管理理念,适应社会的需求。 只有让医务人员树立正确的质量管理意识,掌握质量管理方法,才能变被动质量控制为主动的自我质量控制。 因此,对全体医务人员进行质量管理知识培训,增强质量意识是提高医疗质量的基本任务之一。 一要加强医疗相关法律法规、规章制度和各级人员职责培训。 我院大力加强制度建设,编制了各项法律法规、制度和各级人员职责。 要认真整理学习《医院工作人员岗位职责》《医院常用法律法规选集》《医疗质量安全管理手册》。 医务人员必须掌握相关法律法规、核心制度、人员职责。 20xx年5月,对会员法律法规、制度、责任等相关知识进行全面考核,并将结果记入个人档案。 加强医务人员质量管理基础知识的学习,提高医务人员的质量意识、安全意识和预防意识。
1.进一步加强质量查房和业务病历检查。 这项工作是提高医疗质量的好举措,但一定要注重实际效果,不能流于形式。 对于发现的问题,除了当面解释外,对于屡犯者,还必须通过经济处罚的方式给予处罚。
2、要加强三基培训和考核,不断完善考核方式,严格考核纪律,注重考核的实际结果,而不仅仅是流于形式。 相关负责人要重视三基培训,定期向医务人员讲解三基学习的重要性,并确保每月进行考核,这对于提高医务人员的技术水平至关重要。
要进一步做好卫生院感染病例监测、消毒灭菌效果监测、环境卫生监测等工作,严格执行卫生院各项感染管理制度。 工作必须认真做,不能随意处理。 要进一步加大卫生院感染知识的培训和宣传力度,让每一位医务人员都要认识到卫生院感染控制的重要性,自觉遵守无菌操作技术,做好个人控制。 充分发挥卫生院感染控制小组职责,配合医院感染小组积极开展工作,防止医院感染事件漏报。 5.进一步加强抗菌药物使用管理。
按照卫生部《关于进一步加强抗菌药物临床应用管理的通知》精神,我院制定了具体实施办法和奖惩制度,重点监测围手术期预防用药情况。 要进一步落实抗菌药物分级管理制度,在门诊工作站设置处方权限,确保制度落实。 提高细菌培养和药敏检测率,保证抗菌药物的合理使用。
1、按照卫生部《医务人员医德规范及实施办法》的要求,对医务人员进行医德教育。 让医务人员讲清楚:“医者第一,立德”。 医德是医务人员的行为规范和自律。 要树立全心全意为人民服务的理念,培养谦虚谨慎、不骄不躁的工作作风,立志做一名受人尊敬、医德高尚的医务人员。 每一位医生都要熟记《医师严格自律、诚信服务公约》,真正树立“以人为本”、“以病人为中心”的理念,真正把病人当作自己的亲人,不谋私利。 。
2、制定奖惩措施,保证医务人员在卫生院执业时有良好的服务态度。 态度决定一切。 只有端正自己的态度,才能确定自己的出发点。 我们要时刻牢记,我们是来救治病人、救治病人的,病人的利益高于一切。 决不允许在诊疗工作中以任何借口对患者采取冷漠、推诿、无礼等不负责任的态度。 无论什么时候、什么场合、无论什么情况、无论发生什么事情,不要带着不良情绪去对待患者。 要善于调节自己,工作时始终保持良好的精神状态,充分向患者展现自己阳光的一面。
保健中心患者的心理非常复杂。 他们需要被关心、被尊重、被接受。 他们需要了解自己的诊断和治疗信息。 他们需要安全感和早日康复的愿望。 同时,他们也有对自己未来家庭、工作等社会问题的担忧。 这些都需要医务人员充分理解并解决或满足。 首先,医务人员就医时必须衣着整齐、态度友善、精神饱满。 他们要主动向患者介绍自己是主管的医生或护士,让患者获得良好的印象,对医护人员产生信任感和依赖感。 ,使患者情绪稳定,家属满意、放心,从而在诊疗过程中积极配合,建立积极配合的医患关系。 在治疗过程中,患者及家属可以紧急请求医护人员及时向其传达诊疗信息,这也是患者及家属的权利。 因此,医护人员必须及时与他们沟通,征求他们的意见,让患者及其家属积极配合,达到预期目标。 如果不能经常与患者及家属沟通病情和治疗方案,不能满足他们的需求,也会导致误解甚至医疗纠纷。
20xx年12月14日下午,盘龙区私立医院专家评审组来我院指导检查20xx年工作。 通过专家组认真细致的检查,首先对我院的工作给予了充分肯定。 评审专家组认为,我院虽然是疼痛专科医院,但所做的工作还是比较完善和规范的。 同时,他们也对我们的工作提出了许多宝贵的意见和要求。 例如:病房管理三级制度不完善、病案首个疗程没有体现、病案管理有待进一步加强、医患沟通不完善、存在不足等针对这些存在的问题,医院领导高度重视,组织院内相关人员对存在的问题进行分析讨论尽快一一进行。 他们把责任落实到人,召开了全院职工大会,强化认识,对这次民营医院评估有了深刻的认识。 此次活动的重要意义在于,为了更好更快地提高我们的管理水平和医疗技术水平,使医院在竞争中能够更好的发展,现将整改情况报告如下:
1. 仔细听。 仔细聆听患者的主诉、就医经历、目前病史,以便确定病因。
3、耐心解答 医生应该从专业的角度认真、仔细地回答患者的问题。 比如颈椎病如果不尽快治疗,就会影响患者的工作和生活。
4、周密的治疗方案,可以根据患者的病情设计多种治疗方法,患者可以自由选择。 最后医生会向患者解释哪种方案对患者的治疗效果最好,这样可以避免患者不必要的经济损失。
1、加强护理人员“三基三严”基础知识培训,严格执行“三查八对”制度。 全面提高医疗服务质量,以患者为中心,认真服务患者。
2、进一步建立健全医院感染控制各项规章制度,落实各项消毒任务,完善台账记录。 尤其要加强医疗废物分类管理,确保医院内不出现交叉感染,让患者和员工放心。
3、按照云南省卫生厅护理质量管理规定,完善我院护理质量管理规章制度。 例如,必须有两种或两种以上的识别方法来识别患者; 高风险药品必须标识,高风险设备设施的管理和运行必须落实岗位职责。 制度,确保持证上岗,真正保证一切工作有章可循。
通过这次评价和检查,我们看到了医院工作中存在的不足。 我们要虚心接受专家提出的批评和建议,认真总结,积极整改,进一步完善医院的管理工作。
我们疼痛医院是昆明唯一一家疼痛专科医院。 面对残酷的市场竞争,品牌已成为企业利润的重要来源和企业核心竞争力的重要体现。 否则,就会在竞争中被淘汰。 我院将借这次民营医院评估活动的东风,以此次评估整顿工作为动力,借这次评估整顿的契机,规范引导,把我院打造成规范化的民营医院规模、质量、技术、品质。
总体情况良好,未发现重大安全隐患。 所有医务人员均已值班并挂有胸卡,两个窗口单位均已挂有胸卡。 近年来,通过开展医院管理年活动和文明单位验收,员工质量意识得到增强。 医院加强内部质量控制检查,更加注重重点科室、重点患者、环节的质量监管,医疗质量有所提升。 但在检查过程中,也发现了一些问题和不足。
(1)急诊科。 人员固定、设施齐全、布局合理,基本满足应急工作需要。 重点疾病有服务流程,急救设备和急救药品处于备用状态。 存在问题:心电图机和心电监护仪有时工作不稳定; “绿色通道”标志脱落。
(二)外科、麻醉科。 查阅手术患者住院病历,进行术前讨论、术前检查、术前谈话、医患沟通,规范签署各类知情同意书,及时记录术后观察情况; 规范麻醉科工作流程,做好手术准备和术后随访。 存在问题:有的科室请外院专家操作,没有会诊记录; 有些患者错过了手术后麻醉师随访的日期。
(三)药品管理。 中西药房有序开展工作,规范特殊药品管理,加强处方审核和评价,对不规范处方与相关人员沟通后及时纠正。 存在一些问题:有的处方药使用商品名,有的医生字迹难以辨认,药品规格、剂量、用法等遗漏,预处方中存在项目缺失,有的处方用量过大等。 部分病区“钱通顶”登记号码错误; 冰箱里的“去氨加压素”备件没有基本注册号。
(四)护理管理。 按照《护理规定》实施护理管理,做好危重症患者的基础护理、消毒隔离、护理文件书写和管理工作。 存在问题:部分科室的备用氧气瓶无法使用(没有湿化瓶)。
(5) 文件撰写。 整体状况尚可,但也发现不少缺陷。
1、住院病历:三级查房不到位,部分住院病历上级医生签名不及时; 病程记录不规范,病程记录中未记载用药或检查依据; 医患沟通表记录不规范,有的记录只在入院时记录一次,一些特殊情况没有及时沟通; 个人严重患者的课程记录未及时打印出来。
2.门诊病记录和紧急观察病历:中药门诊医疗记录不包括舌涂层,脉搏,发病机理,处方名,综合症类型等; 观察病历太简单了。
3.部门的质量控制记录未标准化。 该部门内部的商业学习仅是某些部门的形式。 学生没有签名,被怀疑受到检查。
4.轮班移交书:在许多情况下,第二班医生错过了签名。 某些部门的日常移交是空白的。 某些部门的轮班移交记录只有床数,但没有患者的名字。
1.应在现场指出检查期间发现的问题,并需要立即纠正。 对于主要问题,质量控制办公室将发布“医院质量检查反馈表”,并要求相关部门在一定时间限制内进行原因分析并制定纠正措施。 检查员将在2周内验证纠正措施的实施。
3.为确定的问题实施问责制,向部门和个人分配特定的责任,并施加适当的经济罚款。 通过检查,发现问题的及时纠正有助于持续改善医疗质量。 在将来的工作中,我们一如既往地关注系统的实施,加强内部管理,并采取有效的措施确保医疗安全。
为了进一步实施XX区的医疗质量和安全管理和风险预防工作,彻底实施国家“医疗质量管理措施”,实施国家卫生和计划生育委员会的视频会议要求,以进一步加强医疗安全管理和风险预防工作与相关的北京市政健康和计划生育委员会的文件要求。 结合了丰田区的医疗质量和安全性特殊纠正活动,我们的医院进行了自我检查,并分类了医疗质量和安全的特殊纠正。 检查结果总结如下。
严格实施三级质量管理系统,加强部门级质量管理,专注于医疗质量内涵管理,加强链接和过程管理,完全实施医疗质量和医疗安全的核心系统,加强监督和检查以及更改静态管理,事后控制和被动管理促进医疗质量和安全管理的持续改进,以进行动态管理,完整的过程控制和积极的管理。 医院领导和各个层面的部门在新情况下完全了解医疗安全管理的重要性,并有效地增强了他们的责任感,安全,风险和紧迫感。 加强主体的责任,建立和改善与机构的医疗安全管理相关的组织结构,加强组织领导,建立和严格执行各级人员的工作职责,牢固建立底线思维和“红线”和“红线”意识,消除氟心态,瘫痪和松懈,并合理地遵循工作机制,进行仔细的安排,认真部署,并认真地在医疗安全管理方面做得很好。
为了完全实施国家卫生和计划生育委员会对医疗质量和安全的特别纠正检查,我们的医院迅速举行了医疗质量管理委员会,医疗记录管理委员会,临床血液管理委员会和抗菌药物管理的会议小组会议。 及时传达了国家卫生和计划生育委员会对医疗质量和安全的特别检查的精神,及时总结,分析并提供有关医院质量管理中存在的问题的反馈,并提出有针对性的纠正措施和解决方案; 结合对日常质量链接的监督,积极进行医学夜晚检查,增强基本质量,链接质量和终端质量管理,将质量管理的重点从终端质量评估到整个链接的质量检查和监督临床医疗过程,并迅速总结在一个时间限制内发现,反馈和纠正的问题,以确保医疗质量监测和管理的无缝连接。
该医院已经建立了医疗质量安全和风险管理系统,改进的工作系统,紧急计划和与医疗质量安全管理和风险预防有关的工作流程; 精致并严格遵守18种核心医疗质量和安全系统,并严格监督了核心系统的实施。 加强医生与医生的沟通培训,以确保核心系统的实施标准,例如三级病房,治疗困难案件,切换系统,第一诊断责任系统和紧急咨询系统达到100%,并组织部门以加强诊断和治疗规范以及相关法律和法规的研究和研究。 评估,建立有关医疗质量和安全不利事件的收集,记录和报告信息的相关系统,为医院感染管理建立相关系统和规范,并为关键部门和医院感染的关键部门和联系建立安全风险监控和管理机制。 在活动期间,医院仔细整理了各种系统的可行性,现实性和依从性,突出了围产期安全,围手术期安全,侵入性操作,临界价值报告和实验室安全风险管理。 必须采取积极而有效的干预措施,以及时消除潜在的安全危害。 同时,有必要加强对药物和医疗设备的临床应用的监督,加强对安全信息(例如不良事件)的监视,并在报告和处理药物和医疗设备的不良事件方面做得很好。
根据国家卫生和计划生育委员会的特别检查要求,医院认真地实施了各种规范,指南,操作程序,系统等,标准化了临床服务行为,并绝对消除了违反常规医疗操作的行为。 已经建立了合理的医疗安全评估和监督系统,并且信息技术已完全用于加强日常管理,监督和检查,以确保实施所有机构措施。 同时,已经建立了一个合理的医疗质量和安全责任系统和问责制,以应对违反法律,法规和违规行为。 如果质量和安全事件是由系统标准等引起的,那么处于相关职位的质量和安全事件将牢固负责。 那些负责责任感,履行职责,工作疏忽,责任,违反操作程序等各种医疗错误和事故负责的人,将严格承担责任。
(3)进一步加强教育,培训和教育,以营造安全文化氛围。 根据国家卫生和计划生育委员会特别检查的精神,医院领导人非常重视它,并在整个医院中大力宣传培训,以提高所有员工的医疗安全意识和风险预防意识,并仔细仔细对新员工,实习和重新就业人员进行培训前培训,在职培训和在职培训。 监督,工作后评估以及弱环节和关键链接的管理; 加强对所有员工的“三个基础”和“三个严格”培训和教育,实施评估机制,并不断提高临床服务能力和医务人员的技术水平; 形成不良医疗事件建立定期分析和报告机制,进行典型的病例分析,并营造出良好的安全文化氛围,使每个人都重视医疗安全并实施它。
医院积极对医疗质量和安全性进行自我检查。 对医疗安全风险进行全面审查,特别是加强关键部门的安全风险管理,医院的关键链接和关键操作,并增加对送货室,新生儿室,手术室,门诊和急诊室的检查,重症监护医学部门和血液透析室。 ,内窥镜诊所,高压氧疗法室,消毒供应室以及其他医疗风险较高的部门以及部门应对标准化管理和预防风险进行特别检查。 对于检查过程中发现的问题,我们将有效地实施矫正,并建立长期的调查和管理医疗安全风险的机制,以形成持续改善医疗质量的长期机制。
1.积极对医疗质量进行基本管理,并加强对日常质量链接的监督和跟踪。 通过参加部门的晨交,部门主任的病房和部门质量小组活动。 通过加强临床交流,我们充分了解临床问题并及时解决它们,以确保医院全面质量管理系统的有效实施和运行。 同时,我们将加强医疗记录的质量管理,并注意病历质量的内涵构建。 通过各种方法,例如医疗夜检查,每日检查和最终的归档病历检查,可以确保我们医院的病历质量。
加强院前急救系统的构建,建立绿色渠道,标准化程序,并为各种紧急情况组织紧急演习。 我们对整个医院的困难医疗记录进行定期和计划的讨论,不断提高医疗技术以及医院困难病例的诊断和治疗水平,并全面改善医院的紧急和重症疾病救援能力。
加强对手术安全验证系统实施的监督。 管理基于分级外科手术和外科医生的分级外科资格。 对于高风险的复杂手术患者,多学科咨询和协作得到了加强,对主要手术进行了风险评估,术后疾病受到仔细跟踪,并且计划未计划的回程手术。 效率以确保手术安全。 医疗部门在手术后三天关注新的手术患者和患者,尤其是患有严重疾病的患者或患有其他严重潜在疾病的患者,并进行严格的随访特别检查,积极地对主要手术进行术前风险评估,并加强外科手术安全检查系统。 监督以有效确保手术患者的生命安全。
4.积极完成医院不良事件和关键价值的管理。 改善报告不良事件的奖励和惩罚机制,鼓励部门报告不良事件,组织相关部门分析和讨论不良事件,并采取有效措施积极控制和消除医疗风险。 加强关键价值管理工作,对部门关键价值管理进行定期检查,并将其纳入医疗夜晚,以确保在我们医院的有效实施“关键价值”报告系统。
实施特殊的抗菌药物管理工作。 该部门签署了20xx合理使用管理目标责任信。 标准化理性药物使用系统以减少不良药物反应的发生。 加强抗菌药物的分层使用系统的有效实施,使临床药房在临床护理中的指导作用充分发挥作用,并促进医院在临床实践和管理水平上合理应用药物的能力的持续提高。
6.召集一个临床血液管理委员会,以摘要分析临床血液使用中的现有问题并加强临床血液管理。 在围手术期间进行有关临床血液使用的特殊培训,加强对手术和重症患者的临床血液使用的风险评估,并鼓励部门积极进行自体血液收集和自体血液再灌注技术,以确保临床血液的安全性患者。 促进医院中理性血液使用的改善。
(1)改善系统,标准化管理并增强风险管理和控制功能。 根据“护理分类”(中华人民共和国的卫生行业实施标准WS/T431-20XX),“护理法规”,“临床护理实践指南” 20XX版,“二级总医院评估标准和实施规则” “,”北京护理安全(不利)事件报告和管理”要求。 在20xx中,医院对当前的护理规则和法规,各级护理人员的工作职责以及护理系统的紧急管理计划进行了必要的修改。 该内容涵盖了80多个项目,例如护理人力资源管理,护理质量管理,护理工作质量管理,医院密钥部门和护理系统紧急计划。 同时,还修改了100多个项目,例如“护理技术操作程序”和“专业疾病护理程序”。
标准化护理管理手册的使用。 为了加强部门一级护理质量的监督并实施标准化管理。 制定和签署护理管理手册,制定写作记录标准并进行严格的评估和管理。
1.为护理人员建立分层的培训评估机制。 根据能源水平和头衔强调对护理人员的分层培训,同时根据人员的头衔和能量水平制定了严格的等级培训计划。 每个级别制定不同的培训内容和评估点; 在培训期间,诸如提高应急能力,临床教育能力以及在护理人员深入和转移之类的实施能力是重点。 性别。 同时,考虑到护理人员的临床实践应用能力,案例分析,现场练习和讲座的内容的内容。
2.以多种方式对法律,法规,规则和法规进行培训和促进,并加强“三个基础和三个严格”培训和评估系统。 在 - 院士组织中,例如“护士法规”,“临床护理实践指南”,“静脉输液操作的技术规格”,“护理同胞”,“临床血液转移操作的技术规格”以及其他相关法律,法规,法规,法规,法规,法规和法规每年2-3次; 有组织的护理人员进行相关的内容培训,一次训练和评估一次相关内容培训,练习和评估护理安全管理,护理技术操作过程和护理应急计划,以便护理人员可以建立强烈的预防风险感和熟悉风险响应过程。
3.已经建立了医院“护理技能”的标准化培训机制,并完成了17个临床实践培训。 通过培训和临床实践,提高了护理技能的紧急和第一个AID技能以及关键护理技术,它为促进医院的专业教师的培养和培训奠定了基础。
1.严格实施系统报告和分析系统。 该医院制定了“非义务护理不良事件的报告系统”,严格禁止隐藏和错过报告。 同时,根据卫生和计划生育委员会的要求,严格实施护理不良事件和直接报告工作。 护理部门有一个特殊的人,负责统计摘要和在线直接报告不良护理事件。
2.标准化质量跟踪和分析系统。 建立负责“皮肤问题管理团队”的分区管理责任系统,实施医院中不良护理事件的现场跟踪,监督和指导,并验证护理记录的准确性,护理措施的有效性,以及该案报告的护理记录的分析。 及时的纠正工作; 每季度在医院进行定期病例分析,在医院中选择典型病例,分析和讨论为实现相互学习,经验共享和警钟作用的原因的整流措施。
3.加强人事培训和评估以提高对风险预防的认识。 将不良事件的管理纳入医院缺陷评估的内容,并评估未及时报告的部门,事件没有得到改善,并且没有实施措施。 同时,相关医院相关的培训大大提高了护理人员的安全意识。
1.加强链接的质量管理并提高对护理人员的风险预防意识。 加强关键系统和流程的实施。 护理的关键系统包括入学系统,风险评估系统,检查系统,信息系统,护理计划的实施系统和健康教育系统。 其次,关键的患者和手术患者的统一,以及每月30-50的第一级护理患者,以确保护理工作已经到位。
3.加强对关键病历的最终质量监督并获得100%的审查。 审查了病历,输血病历和不良护理,对60岁的第一次护理疾病的病历,ADL≤40点,住院时间≥7天和第一级护理疾病。
4.加强护理转移类的质量监督。 护理部每周进行3-4次3-4次,并组织3-4次,每年组织护理移交的转移。 通过整个监督和移交过程,将不断加强护理过程的监督,检查,指导和信息反馈。 在确保实施各种安全措施的同时,降低了护理交换的质量以降低护理风险。
5.调节医院中高风险药物的管理,以确保高风险药物的安全。 严格实施高风险药物管理的要求。 对于高风险药物部门,必须有一个特殊的管理和常规计数系统。 护理部门将高风险药物管理纳入红线质量评估项目中,每月检查3-4次以确保药物安全。
6.努力建立一个专业的质量管理团队,以提高专业管理能力。 加强输注链接的质量控制,以确保患者药物的安全性。 在医院建立了“静脉输液管理团队”,并定期组织静态疗法小组的活动以扮演监督角色。 结合静脉输注实践指南的标准,定期组织组和 - 医院培训。 该培训侧重于静脉曲张输液实践指南,静脉曲张治疗药物兼容方法,正确选择静脉输注器具,静脉输血标准等。 收集,分类和分析的中国各种数据,并进行了静脉治疗问题和基于证据的护理研究,以帮助临床解决实际问题; 结合医院的药物动态,在医院的当地网络中建立了一个安全药物提醒的促使柱。 注意预防措施,常见药物的禁忌和容易静脉曲张的药物,以确保临床药物的安全性。
7.加强皮肤问题的治疗,复杂,难以治愈伤口和链接的质量控制管理。 建立了一个“皮肤问题管理团队”,以实施对护理安全风险评估的统一管理,并在医院实施质量监测; 每年2至3次在院培训中进行定期组织,并根据临床护理实践指南,糖尿病和健康教育教育指南等,标准化医院皮肤问题的护理管理程序; 通过小组成员来监督医院中的不良事件,统一的管理和专业指导,对诸如压力溃疡,尿失禁,伤口等的复杂护理问题。
8.在医院建立气道护理管理团队。 提供保证,以进一步制定标准化的气道管理技术和氧气治疗护理技术。
结合最近的5例艾滋病感染和9例乙型肝炎感染艾滋病毒感染和青岛成谷医院的病例,医院的关键部门会议召开了,要求两例调查医院对医院医院的治疗,并结合两种医院意识。案例。 医院感染管理办公室分批向关键部门,例如血液透析室,妇产科(包括送货室),临床检查部门,重症监护室,手术室和其他部门,以分析案件并结合其自己的部门感应预防措施。 不断提高部门所有工作人员的控制感并改善执行力。
(2)标准的新规格并改善医院的感官系统和过程。 多年来,医院感染管理系统具有声音管理系统,详细的操作系统和过程以及详细的医院感染监测标准操作过程。 根据年度医院感染风险评估,医院感染办公室建立了年度医院感染的主要联系。 相关的法律法规发布了系统修订并改进了。 根据20xx年-20xx年颁布的最新医院传染行业规格,重点是研究,新规格的解释和实施,房间,临床实验室部门和安全办公室的清理办公室进行有针对性的学习和监督,提高了相关部门和部门医院的感染管理预防和控制的认识,并逐渐改善了与关键部门和链接相关的医院的医院感染控制和控制规范。 自我管理,自我训练以及意识的改善,以系统和过程作为核心形成主动预防和控制感染。
(3)完全控制,发现隐藏的危险,专注于调查并加强医疗安全。 在管理管理的管理,特征和质量控制方面的薄弱环节中,感官办公室多次举行了质量检查员的会议,以专注于质量控制中问题的监督。 对医院感染控制措施的门诊系统的主要监督,没有适当的执行。 检查部门和专业诊所,监督内容:保护,手动卫生管理以及日常实施,环境清洁,清洁和消毒仪器设备,清洁和消毒设备和设备,清洁和消毒设备和设备。 检查医疗废物治疗和部门消毒和隔离措施的每日实施超过3,000次,通过率为90%。
基于对医院感染疾病的全面监测,目标监测项目包括围手术期手术切口监测,ⅰ围手术期手术切口抗菌药物应用程序监测以及北京医院感应中心4T+X外周手术切口监测,多药物监测,多药监测,感染监测,感染监测,监测,感染监测,监测,监测,监测,监测,监测,监测。严重的护理单位和呼吸机相关肺炎,尿尿尿感染,血管相关的痔疮感染监测和其他监测。 分析,发现问题并促进医院感染质量的改善和改善。
建立了一个医院医疗废物管理团队,以澄清职责和任务。 医疗废物管理系统,专用运输工具的消毒系统,医疗废物收集人员的个人保护系统以及全天收集医疗废物的责任。 建立“医学废物分类表格”,“医疗废物处置注册书”,“医疗废物转移多链接”等。 集中安全处理和对医疗废物的统一管理的集中操作,以确保安全处置的正常运行。
分类的收集规格,严格的医疗废物分类和收集(传染性废物,传染性废物,损害废物,传染性伤害废物),并防止医疗废物与家庭废物混合。 将医疗废物放入带有“警告”徽标的特殊包装或容器中,并将损坏的废物放入特殊的公司盒中,不允许将其删除。 当医疗废物达到3/4时,它被有效密封并标记。 The pathogen culture medium, specimen, bacteria, and poisonous storage solution should be treated with high pressure and then processed according to infectious waste. Medical waste and living wastes caused by infected patients or patients suspected of infectious infection are used to apply dual -layer special packaging, and timely seal and label.
3. Collect transfer and professional management:
When transporting a medical waste full -time personnel, when transporting, they must wear protective clothing, masks, hats, gloves, protective shoe, etc., so as to take a certificate to the job, and transport medical waste personnel to the time and route to temporarily deposit every day in accordance with the prescribed 'time and route. When collecting transit medical waste, it must be transferred according to the specified route, using the designated elevator, and the manned and transporting medical waste can be performed at the same time. The elevator should be disinfected immediately after transporting the medical waste. Before transportation, check the medical waste logo, label, and seal to prevent loss, leakage, and spread during transportation. The transportation of vehicles must have anti -leakage and dispersion facilities, which is easy to clean and disinfection. After the transportation is over, clean the disinfection transportation tools in time. Strictly prevent exposure injuries, and reports should be reported in a timely manner.
Fourth, temporary deposit facilities and hospital medical waste are temporarily stored away from medical, food processing, and personnel activity areas;
There are measures to prevent mouse, mosquito prevention, cockroaches, anti -theft, anti -leakage measures; easy to clean and disinfection point disinfection management: The alert logo of the hospital's temporary storage point is clear, the handover records are complete, and the disinfection records are timely. Equipped with the corresponding disinfection tools, appliances and equipment, regularly disinfection, strictly do safety protection, and use effective chlorine disinfection agent for soaking or spray disinfection. There are special persons management, "warning" logo and "prohibiting smoking and diet" logo. After the transfer of medical waste is transferred, it is cleaned and disinfected in a timely manner. The departments that generate and transport medical waste, register the medical waste sources, types, weights, time, time, destination, signed by the personnel, and the registration information for 3 years. Medical waste shall not be dealt with by itself, prohibit transfers or trading accidents, and regular inspections. The "Emergency Plan" when a medical waste accident was established for a medical waste leakage during the transshipment, and corresponding safety emergency treatment measures must be taken to prevent secondary pollution and ensure safety.
Hospital disinfection rectification report (generally 15 articles) 10
We are medical workers and angels in white. In the future, we must have a dedicated heart in the work, and a consistent work. Start from now, start with yourself. I also realized that we need to pay attention to the quality of medical care.
(1) It is necessary to check and make preliminary treatment within 30 minutes of admission.
(2) People with emergency, danger, and severe patients shall immediately deal with and report to their superiors.
(3) Complete medical records according to the prescribed time (24 hours of general patients and 6 hours of crisis patients; the first disease record is completed in work, and emergency patients are completed before surgery).
(4) The medical records are complete and standardized, and must not be missing. You have to strengthen your study of medical records. Insufficient correction. Poor words are not well written. You have to practice words.
(5) Complete blood, urine, and stool tests within 24 hours, and complete liver, kidney function, and other specialty examinations required according to the condition.
(6) Establish preliminary diagnosis and treatment plans in accordance with the regular diagnosis and treatment.
(7) For the patients, they will be visited at least every day and afternoon.
(8) Complete the course of the disease according to the prescribed time and requirements (consultation, preoperative discussion, preoperative section, transfer and transfer, special treatment, patient family talks and signatures record of).
(9) Report the condition of the patients in charge should be reported to the superior physician in a timely manner.
(10) The diagnosis and treatment process shall abide by the disinfection and isolation regulations, strictly sterile operations to prevent hospitals from infection. If there is a hospital infection case, fill in the form in a timely manner.
(11) Patients must be approved by the superior doctors when they are discharged.
(12) Strictly follow the regular operation of the diagnosis and treatment, and do not violate health regulations. In the future, we must strengthen the study of hygiene laws.
(13) Strengthen the communication between doctors and patients. Make your own contribution to the relationship between the harmonious doctor and patients.
Looking back at the medical accidents that happened in the past, how can it happen together because of paralysis or not according to the conventional operation of diagnosis and treatment? Therefore, in actual work, we must prevent micro -duration, start from small things, deal with unsafe factors in a timely manner, and avoid the occurrence of medical care. In fact, it is not difficult to get medical safety. The key is whether there is a sense of responsibility. As long as everyone pays more attention, as long as they are more serious and responsible for work. Attitude, they must do their jobs in their posts, and they must be responsible for their duties. No matter where they are, as long as they have a high sense of responsibility and strong mission, they will definitely avoid the occurrence of medical accidents. 。
Hospital disinfection rectification report (generally 15 articles) 11
In order to conscientiously implement the "Notice of the Ministry of Health on the Special Inspection of Patients" for the "Patient -centric" medical safety centers for medical safety centers "in the" XX District Health Bureau ", with the patient as the center, further strengthen the quality of the medical and standardized medical behavior To eliminate hidden safety hazards and ensure the safety of patients to seek medical treatment. In accordance with the evaluation standards of the "Hospital Management Evaluation Guide (20xx) Year) and Shaanxi Province's relevant health centers in Shaanxi Province, we carried out strict self -examination and self -correction work. The relevant self -inspection situation is reported as follows:
1. Pay attention to all staff and organize arrangements seriously
Since I received the "Notice of the Ministry of Health on the Special Inspection Activity Scheme of Patients" for "Patient -centric" medical safety campaign arrangements for 20XX "in the XX District Health Bureau", all employees attached great importance to it and quickly held all employee meetings. Careful arrangements for self -examination. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Hospital Management Evaluation Guide (20xx) Year) and the relevant provisions of the Shaanxi Province on the review of the health center, we will carefully arrange self -examination and self -correction work. Two doctors are responsible for the legitimacy of medical institutions, medical qualifications, scope of internal medicine diagnosis and treatment, medical documents, and various rules and regulations. The nurse is mainly responsible for the self -examination of daily nursing work and medical waste. , Strengthen quality and safety awareness, adhere to safety first, quality first, standardize medical behavior, effectively cover the responsibilities, strictly implement the core system, refine process management, and truly improve the quality of medical treatment.
2. Check the basic situation of self -check
(1) Self -inspection of the organization
The unit is called "Xi'an XX Xuhui Clinic". It is an individual in nature and is located at No. 1 facade house No. 1 Labor West Road, XX District, Xi'an; the main person in charge: Ding Xuhui. With the "Medical Institutional Practice License" issued by the XX District Health Bureau, the practice license number: PDY617D21112, the validity period is June 30, 20xx. Our institute has implemented strict management of the "Practice of Medical Institutions", and has never been modified, traded, transferred, and leased. There are three existing beds, the diagnosis and treatment subjects are internal medicine; the business room area is 68 square meters.
(2) Self -checking of personnel
Our current doctors and 1 nurse have obtained relevant practice qualifications and registered. At the same time, it is filed in the XX District Health Bureau. 证书; people who have never obtained the qualifications of a practicing physician, a nursing qualification qualification, or a physician registered in multiple locations to engage in medical activities, and never use the practice assistant physician to practice alone; all medical staff belong to The supervision bar is public.
(3) Self -examination of the scope of diagnosis and treatment
I am a medical service institution approved by the XX District Health Bureau. The scope of registration and practice is the diagnosis and treatment of internal medicine diseases. Since its establishment, medical treatment is strictly in accordance with the relevant institutional regulations. All medical activities are within the scope of the internal diagnosis and treatment. Never conduct diagnosis and treatment activities that are not related to the scope of practice, have never exceeded the scope of approval and registration, and never published medical advertisements in any form, and abide by the relevant laws, administrative regulations, and the health administrative department国务院。 The rescue and referral system has no internal and external contracting or leasing, and never one -sided pursuit of economic interests and illegally carried out diagnosis and treatment activities outside the scope of business.
(4) Improve service quality
Strengthen the management of medical quality in accordance with the relevant regulations and standards of the health administrative department, and implement the medical quality assurance plan; regularly inspect and implement the implementation and implementation of various rules and regulations and the responsibility system of various personnel at all levels to ensure medical safety and service quality. Constantly improve service levels.
(5) Cross -infection management in the hospital
Infected infections and cross -infections are the focus of my precautions. The establishment and improvement of medical waste treatment management, intra -hospital infection and disinfection management, waste leakage treatment plan and other relevant regulations and systems. Records, the disinfection effect monitoring of key parts is regularly conducted, and the prepared sterilization label signs are clear, complete, and standardized.
(6) Solid medical waste treatment situation
All medical wastes are categorized and collected, and the temporary deposit time of the dirt is found in accordance with regulations. The dirt container has been closed and anti -spines. And signature records.
(7) Disposal use of medical supplies
After all the disposable use of medical supplies, after use of medical supplies, it is collected by the centralized disposal center (Xi'an Weida Industrial Development Co., Ltd.) after being soaked and disinfected. Waste transfer records, no resale, gift and so on. All operators have conducted training and have special protection facilities and equipment.
(8) Self -examination of medical documents
Medical documents are not only a true record of daily medical incidents, but also have legal effects. They play an important role in protecting the medical safety of patients and the legitimacy of the clinic and self -protection. Therefore, it must be standardized for my daily medical documents. Strictly write in accordance with the rules of the Ministry of Health's medical documents, and communicate among all employees. For unclear places, go to the Xi'an Central Hospital and the Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong Medical College. Self -inspection activities make the medical documents of all medical staff meet the relevant standards of the country and Xi'an.
(9) Epidemium management report situation
The strict epidemic management and reporting system for the establishment of the person in charge stipulated that the special person was responsible for the management of the epidemic, the content of the epidemic register was complete, the epidemic report card was filled in standardized, and the epidemic report was carried out once a month.
(10) Self -examination of drug management
After investigation, we have never used false, expired, failure, and prohibited drugs. Strictly compared the relevant standards of the "Hospital Management Evaluation Guide (20xx) Year) and Shaanxi Province on the review of the health center. The diagnosis and treatment standards and nursing operation specifications, the sense of work responsibility, the quality of work, and service of the treatment were conducted, and submitted a self -examination report to the XX District Health Bureau.
3. Problems
First, due to insufficient funds, some medical equipment cannot be repaired or updated in time, which has affected the in -depth development of related business to a certain extent; the second is the lack of experienced senior professional and technical personnel. The long period of knowledge update has affected the level of service level to a higher level to a certain extent.
I must take the opportunity of "patient -centered" medical safety for medical safety as the opportunity to further carry out medical management activities that "centered with patients as the theme", strengthen management measures, optimize the quality of personnel, and optimize the quality的工作人员。 , Seeking truth and pragmatism, pioneering innovation, continuously mentioning the quality and technical service level of high medical services in the community, and making their due contributions to the creation of "Ping An Clinic and Harmony XX".
Hospital disinfection rectification report (generally 15 articles) 12
On the day of XX, the inspection team established by the two -level health supervision department of the city and county focuses on on -site inspections on medical waste and radiation practice management, and put forward opinions on supervision and rectification. After receiving the notice of written rectification, our hospital attaches great importance to the work group with a working group with the deputy director of the business as the leader of the business to compare the supervisory opinion. Urgent rectification. The rectification of the hospital is reported as follows:
1. Rectification measures for medical waste management
1. Establish and improve medical waste management organization and management system. Establish a leading group of medical waste management work in hospitals. The group members include the medical department, nursing department, infection management department, general affairs logistics and clinical and medical technology departments. Clarify the work responsibilities of various departments and implement a hierarchical management responsibility system. The infection management department is the medical waste management and monitoring department, conducts regular supervision and inspection of all aspects of medical waste management, and timely feedback the results of supervision and inspection to relevant personnel in a timely manner, and publicize it within different areas as需要。 At the same time, through supervision and inspection to evaluate the implementation of various rules and regulations and the responsibilities of various departments, and
In place, the "effect of training and publicity, and the effect of medical waste management measures. Re -sort out all aspects and details of medical waste management, and further improve the medical waste management system of our hospital. Establish a medical waste management responsibility system, clarify the first responsible person of the hospital's president for our hospital's medical waste management, and fully responsible for the leadership of hospital medical waste management.
2. Improve medical waste disposal workflow. In accordance with the requirements of the "Regulations on the Management of Medical Wastes" and the actual situation of our hospital, the "XX Hospital Medical Waste disposal flowchart" was formulated, and it was posted on the eye -catching position of the medical waste生产部门。 Standardize and guide various departments to classify, collect, dispose of medical waste in accordance with the requirements of the Catalog of Medical Waste Classification.
3. Equipped with related facilities and supplies such as medical waste collection and disposal to ensure the implementation of work measures. Buy a medical waste packaging bag, special trash can, temporary weeks of barrels, weapon boxes and other facilities to classify and collect medical waste. Equipped with protective supplies such as work clothes, gloves, masks, hats, and hats for medical waste disposal staff to ensure the professional hygiene and safety of relevant staff.
4. Set up a temporary store in the medical waste and strict temporary management.In view of the fact that the department of our hospital is not sound, the scale is small, and the actual amount of medical waste generates a small amount of amount, a special small medical waste is set up using existing places.
Temporary storage room. The medical waste warning logo is posted on the outside, and the special medical waste is transferred to the bucket internally, which is strictly temporarily stored in medical waste.
5. Improve registration materials and strict archive management. The "XX Hospital Medical Waste Resorting Registration Form" is produced, and the department, source, type, quantity, quantity, final direction, and supervisor of the medical waste are made in detail. The registration information is in two copies, which are kept by the medical waste production department and the regulatory authorities, and preserved more than three preparations.
2. Radiation management rectification measures
1. Strengthen leadership and improve the management organization and management system. Established a leading group of radiation safety and protection, and the dean was fully responsible for the work of radiation safety protection leadership to further strengthen leadership and implement responsibilities; formulate a radiation security security system, designate a special person to be responsible for the management of ray device, implement the safety responsibility system; formulate and revise the radiation in a timely manner Safety management regulations, safety operation procedures for X -ray machine operation, protection and safety equipment maintenance and maintenance systems, personal dose monitoring regulations, radiation staff training management system, personal dose management system for radiation staff, and radiation accident emergency plan, etc. Set up radiation protection management agencies, equipped with specialty (and) managers, responsible for the quality assurance and safety protection of radiological diagnosis and treatment, formulate and implement the radiological diagnosis and treatment and radiation protection management system, and the personal dose monitoring of the "radiation staff certificate" in the unit , Vocational Health Medical Examination and other project information recorded and managed in a timely manner.
2. Strengthen protective measures and ensure the safety of diagnosis and treatment. Our hospital strictly sets up the ionizing radiation warning signs and work indicators in the radiological diagnosis and treatment workplace, equipped with personal protective supplies for staff and subjects, and is used as regulations. Radiation diagnosis and treatment equipment and radiological diagnosis and treatment places are performed by a state of state detection and radiation protection testing for each qualification certification of health administrative departments at or above the municipal level to ensure image quality and protection. Radiation staff conducts radiation protection and relevant legal knowledge training before entering the job, pass the professional health inspection before the job, and apply for the "Radiation Staff Certificate" to engage in radiation work. Radiation workers regularly conduct radio protection and relevant legal knowledge training after their jobs, and conduct professional health inspections on a regular basis, and establish training files and health monitoring files. Radiation staff properly wear personal dose meters, and perform personal dose monitoring on schedule, and establish and save personal dose monitoring files for life. The above measures are handled together, which effectively avoids unnecessary accidental irradiation of the subjects, and protects the health of our staff.
Hospital disinfection rectification report (15 articles) 13
As a medical and health institution, the hospital is the general public, and the problem of safety is particularly important. Our hospital strictly follows the notice of the "Xiangcheng City Safety Production Inspection Plan" on the Xiangcheng Health Bureau, and places medical safety, health and epidemic prevention, fire prevention, anti -theft and other safety work in an important position. 事故发生了。 According to the spiritual requirements of the superior documents, the safety production work of the 20xx year was effectively done. During this period, our hospital carried out a investigation and inspection of hidden safety hazards. 报告情况如下:
1. Establish a leading group for investigation of hidden safety production hazards to improve the safety management system
In order to establish and improve the safety management system combined with the combination of daily prevention and assault inspection, our college has established a leading group with the head of safety production with the director of the departments of the leader of the leader. Discuss the research of various tasks involving safety, and establish a series of rules and regulations such as strict security prevention and emergency treatment plan for emergencies. The production safety inspection team is responsible for the overall responsibility, clarify the division of labor step by step, clarify responsibilities, and implement the responsibility system layer by layer. For major losses, medical accidents, public security, and fire accidents due to the failure to implement, the departments and responsible persons that lead to the loss of people's property and the casualties of the people must be held accountable in accordance with the law and discipline 。
2. Strengthen medical security and medical treatment work
Strengthen the diligence of clinical first -tier personnel, ensure that medical facilities and equipment are in normal operating status, and do a good job of reserves of related items such as drugs, protective supplies, disinfection supplies to ensure that the medical needs and medical treatment needs of the masses; in accordance with relevant regulations, do it. Reports on statutory infectious diseases and other public health events, while ensuring daily medical treatment, ensure that the treatment of public health events can be carried out at any time.
3. Strengthen public safety work such as fire prevention and anti -theft
Under the leadership of the leadership group of the hidden safety production hazards, our hospital launched a comprehensive and thorough investigation. Check the safety of various production departments. The focus of fire safety inspection includes: preventive measures such as outpatient clinics, ward, etc., fire extinguishing equipment and fire safety signs in key places to ensure that emergency evacuation channels are smooth; pressure vessels, hydropower equipment, facility safety maintenance, radiation source management, disinfection, isolation, etc. The safety measures and management of the links are foolproof, and it is to eliminate various security risks. Strictly manage the vehicle of the hospital, it is strictly forbidden to drive after drinking and driving to prevent traffic accidents.
4. Improve the duty system and ensure that the communication is smooth
Implement the leadership system, implement the 24 -hour duty system, implement the handover system, and maintain the communication of the communication for 24 hours.
Hospital disinfection rectification report (15 articles) 14
On June 3, 20XX, the expert group organized by the County Health Bureau Health Supervision Institute reviewed the on -site review of our hospital's application for practicing verification. In response to the issues of feedback from the expert group, the leaders of our hospital attached great importance to the meeting of the middle -level cadres in the hospital on the X -month X date to analyze the issues of the existing examination of the practice确认。 Implement the functional departments and departments. After receiving the "Report on the Examination of Medical Institutions' Practice Inspection Examination" issued by the County Health Bureau, in response to the main issues raised in the report, our hospital once again organized a special meeting on the middle -level cadres of the hospital on June 6 to formulate a practical formulation of existing problems. Feasible rectification plans and implementation plans, clarify the responsible person and complete time. The rectification plan and implementation plan are reported as follows:
1. Basic construction of the hospital
(1) Existing problems: The main problems in our hospital in terms of basic construction are that there are too few senior talents. Surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatrics fail to be equipped with deputy senior titles as required.
(2) Analysis of the cause: The rating of our hospital is only a first -level hospital, which is the same as the township hospital. It is limited by all aspects, which is difficult to attract senior professional titles. Although our college has tried to introduce more talents from the society from the society, it is still difficult to meet the conditions required for senior professional titles. So far, only the Department of Internal Medicine is equipped with a vice -vocational title and above.
(3) Solution:
The first is to continuously expand the size of the hospital, further increase the business volume, strive to improve the rating of the hospital, consume alignment from the second -level hospital, continuously improve the hospital software and hardware facilities, improve the treatment of introducing talents, create conditions to attract senior talents, strive to from the society from society Recruit more deputy high school titles above;
The second is to continue to increase the training of talents and strive to cultivate talents above the high school titles from the existing intermediate titles of the hospital. In this regard, our hospital has formulated a titles -level improvement reward plan, encouraging physicians with corresponding qualifications of surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatrics to participate in the appraisal of deputy senior professional title. For those who pass the deputy high vocational titles, our hospital will give certain fund rewards.
2. Setting approval and practice management management
(1) Existing problems